

Warm Greetings from Hawaii!

This coming spring we are pleased to announce the launch of our "ONE DAY EVENT" in Southern California. We have given a great deal of thought on how to make your job as Manager, Acivity Director or enrichment coordinator much easier while at the same time bringing significant added value and benefits to your residents and guests. From begining to end we will help you create the event for your community by providing the tools and entertainment to get the job done and make it a very successful day that everyone will enjoy.

Here are some of the benefits:

- Opportunity to attract new residents
- Opportunity to UNITE your community for ONE DAY with FUN! INFORMATION! EDUCATION! ENTERTAINMENT!
- Opportunity for local community outreach via our "civic recognition" program with strong media coverage.
- Opportunity for YOUR residents to have a high level of engagement with rewards, recognition and goodies.
- Opportunity to have your staff trained in enhaced customer service techniques and the event to make it successful.


Studies have shown that many seniors simply do not take care of their personal afairs. Our goal is to help them understand in a light hearted way, how simple it actually is to get things done in such areas as wills and trust preparation, probate and estate issues and of course insurance and final arrangements. We have learned this from personal experience and share this with a Q & A.

As the manager or activity director you have two choices. The first is an AV show all about beautiful Hawaii which is famous of course for spectacular scenery, culture and music...the Hula! Your second or optional choice would be our Health Wealth Happiness seminar which covers the key areas of how to have a "happy life". This is a very active participation program and we share much of our own story.

Our trademark show is "Music Moods & Memories" which gives your residents the opportunity to relive their early years with a fun filled roller coaster ride down memory lane via video's of the nostalgic years and a great sound system. Another added option can be a fun segment titled "You be the conductor". This is totally fun when 5 volunteers from your residents step up to the podium to "conduct" a brief segment with Beethovan, Strauss, Bach or Mozart. The judging by peers adds to the excitement as awards and recognition are presented. Great fun for all!

Thank you for your interest in our great and new “one day event”

Please complete the information below and we will contact you

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